Study support

Our Inclusive Learning Team content

Our Inclusive Learning Team

We recognise that all our students benefit from some kind of support, and that different people need to be supported in different ways. Our Inclusive Learning Team will support you to achieve your qualifications.

Check out our top tips for study success >

Study support - The Study Bar content

Study support - The Study Bar

Study support - The Study Bar

The Study Bar is an innovative resource available to all students at UHI Moray. As the name suggests, this is the place to “refresh” your writing style or study strategy, with support from our friendly and helpful team. 

Your personal success is very important to us and The Study Bar is here to ensure that you make the most of your potential and offers a range of learning support services, including:

  • Study skills, for example referencing, essay writing, revision techniques, proofreading
  • Dyslexia support
  • Reading, writing, spelling and grammar
  • Basic numeracy, communication and IT
  • Numeracy and communication support groups
  • General English for ESOL students

The Study Bar staff are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. You can ask a question or book a session by emailing us at

Unsure about the many ways our Study Bar can support you? Watch our Q+A video

Support for students with disabilities content

Support for students with disabilities

Support for students with disabilities

We’re committed to helping all our students achieve their potential, including those with disabilities of all kinds. If you feel you need additional support because of a disability, contact our team to find out about the help we can offer. It is important to disclose a disability to ensure you are receiving the right support.

Read our Personal learning support guidance notes.

Find out more about the equipment we can provide to assist you with your learning.

Physical access

We’ve worked hard to ensure that our buildings and facilities are accessible to all. There are plenty of disabled parking spaces available, and buildings are fitted with doors with automatic sensors and lifts. Where access proves to be impractical we’ll endeavour to make every effort to find alternative ways of making the curriculum accessible to you.

Students on part-time and full-time higher education courses may be eligible to apply for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) to help meet the costs of their support needs whilst a student. The DSA will cover the costs of small and large pieces of equipment such as dictaphones, computers and ergonomic seating. It will also cover the costs of non-medical personal help such as scribes, note takers and interpreters. Travel costs may also be claimed in certain circumstances.

Equipment loan content

Equipment loan

Equipment loan

We have a wide range of including laptops, ergonomic mice and keyboards, dictaphones and software such as Read and Write Gold and Dragon Naturally Speaking, which are all available through our equipment loan bank facility.

Alternative assessment content

Alternative assessment

Alternative assessment

If you need specific support in assessments and exams, such as scribes and interpreters, our Inclusive Learning Team can help you. Get in touch to find out more.

Mental health and wellbeing content

Mental health and wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing

Looking after your health and wellbeing will help you study better, and when you’re happy and full of energy you’ll have more fun, and make the most of your student experience with us. Our Wellbeing Bar supports our students mental health and wellbeing. We run wellbeing sessions throughout the year and can refer you to our counselling service or other organisations such as the Moray Wellbeing Hub.

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